Spread it on thick. 

Spread it on thick. 

If your product and/or company is as good as you say it is, why would you not want to cover your marketplace with a nice thick layer of your best-in-class offer?  If you’re being honest in your assessment, the answer is probably either a lack of marketing expertise or limited resources.  In this article, we will help give you insight that can increase your capacity to deploy expertise, but mainly show you how to overcome a challenge of resource allocation. …more

Marketers: Stop leaving out this step when developing your strategy!

Marketers:  Stop leaving out this step when developing your strategy!

Part 1 of 2: So, what’s the issue and why is it important? Part 2 of 2: OK, how do I do it right?   PART 1 “Channel strategy” and “omnichannel marketing” are hot topics in the digital age of marketing. Brands of all sizes and kinds rely on them. But, as a seasoned marketing expert, I’m noticing many are leaving out a very important step is in strategy development: developing your promotional approach. Remember the 4 Ps? Yes, I’m …more

Part 2: Marketers: Stop leaving out this step when developing your strategy!

Part 2:   Marketers:  Stop leaving out this step when developing your strategy!

READ PART ONE FIRST: Part 1 of 2: So, what’s the issue and why is it important? Part 2 of 2: OK, how do I do it right?   PART 2  Now, we know the terms, and the difference between channels and promotional categories is clear. But I know rewiring how we think can be a challenge, so let’s break it down. Before you decide your “channels,” you should define what promotional approach(s) to marketing communication is best for your …more

Why Video is a Must for Digital Marketing

Why Video is a Must for Digital Marketing

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